All large purchases we make in our lives, be it cars, houses, cameras, phones, or virtually any product in which choices are available, should be compared to one another. The same applies to your workforce management software.
Set A Budget
As a reasonable consumer, you wouldn’t make a significant purchase until you found a product that works best for you. No one would go to a car lot and choose the first car they came upon; workforce management software is no exception.
A wise man once said that there was only one reason to buy workforce management software: to save your company money.
He then asked, “If WFM is the tool to provide you savings, why spend a great deal of it on the purchase price?” Check out the sticker price first, know in advance what your budget demands.
Know Your Needs
Once you know your budget, it is time to kick the proverbial tires! Schedule appointments for demos of workforce management software systems that fit within your budget.
It is time now to discover in those demos how they arrive at workforce optimization, what the estimated ROI is for a business of your size, and to make the WFM software salespeople familiar with any traits specific to your organization.
One size does not fit all. Don’t let companies assume that you will fit into their model. Make sure the companies you are comparing can be as flexible as your business needs them to be.
Pipkins has built its’ products for just about any scenario. For over 35 years, Pipkins has met the unique needs of customers by designing a product that offers a plethora of options.
Set Management Options
At this point, you have narrowed down your choices of workforce management software, and it is time to determine who will drive this car. This may be the most crucial decision, as any workforce management system will fail if your team cannot provide the correct information to implement the product appropriately. Make sure you have the best and brightest to provide this information.
Workforce management is a tool. The best WFM systems will take you wherever you want, but they cannot replace you as the driver. Ease of use in the workforce management system makes learning much more manageable.
However, if the workers running your WFM system have a great deal of turnover among them or lack experience, then training can only do so much. Look for a workforce management system that has the patience to get them up and running as quickly as possible.
Better yet, choose a workforce management system that can do it all for you. A chauffeur, if you like. Imagine not having to worry about how to get the most out of your workforce management system.
Pipkins can offer such a service! With options like IntelliSUITE™, our team with years of experience running with the big dogs can help save you time, money, and optimize your resources.
Only after you compare pricing, ease of use, customer service, quality, and reliability will you decide to choose Pipkins for all of your workforce management needs.