In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare wrote that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” No one disputes such wisdom – but how do you know you picked a rose and not stickweed before purchasing a Workforce scheduling software?
1) Search the Internet and identify as many workforce management companies that produce the particular scheduling software product needed
2) Write down a list of questions to help you narrow down the correct product for your company. An absence management tool? A tool for forecasting? A tool for scheduling? An overtime planner? A combination of products?
3) It may be beneficial to call in someone else to help you in this process. Acting as a team may help you identify areas or questions that one person may fail to utilize.
4) Call the sales department of those companies and have an informal chat with the salesperson. They are all wanting to talk you into purchasing from them – take advantage of this position. Ask questions, lots of them. Find out their pricing model. Make notes.
5) Examine your budget. Now that you have figured out what you want, determine what you can afford.
6) Alone or with your team, analyze your notes, discuss your findings, and decide on a price point.
7) Now the fun part begins. Schedule a demo with the workforce management company that fits within your budget and appears to meet your needs.
8) After the first demo, schedule a “deep dive” demonstration to further narrow down your choices. In this type of demo you and your team should identify specifically how the product can work to fit your requirements.
9) Alone or with your team, narrow your choice to one.
Hopefully, you have found your rose. Pipkins welcomes all requests for demos. For information click here!