Hydra, daughter of Typhon and Echidna, was quite the nightmare. Hydra had a huge dog-shaped body with nine snakelike heads and each head was uglier than the one next to it. It was rumored few opportunities in the dating arena colored her personality negatively. However, I suspect it was her hygiene that was largely responsible for her being forced to live alone. Hydra’s breath was said to have been powerful enough to kill a man. Fortunately, there weren’t many suitors looking for a dog-shaped, ugly-headed, sourpuss with halitosis. Hercules only sought her out on a dare and when Hydra found this out she set out to kill him. So, what’s all this got to do with workforce management?
Hydra is the symbol for all that can go wrong in absence management – things can get real ugly, real quick. Just when you cut off one head – two more grow in that spot. Like Hercules, you’ve got to control that growth by cauterizing the wound, and like Hercules, you’ve got a friend that can help you.
A No-Call-No-Show doesn’t have to spoil your day. Advanced planning with our Absence Manager can allow you to easily adapt time off requests to specific limitations your company sets, statutory requirements, or contractual obligations.
Absence management can handle tracking accruals for PTO, FMLA, Short and Long Term Disability, or a number of other forms of leave. Some may be determined by a qualification date, or determined by number of hours worked, and so on. The Absence Manager will track anything and since it works with the scheduler, shifts get covered as needed.
The Absence Manager can alert HR or workforce management as to employees who qualify and keep a running total of how much time off they have used. Employees can view their own usage and better plan time off that promotes work/home balance. HR or workforce manager will determine if approvals are necessary or if employees can self-schedule time off with limitations determined by management. You may not want everyone taking off at the same time and thus limitations can be implemented to guarantee productivity remains stable.
Reach out to Pipkins before your time off management becomes a nightmare.